MSGridView – A grid of grids UITableView equivalent

I had a project recently where I needed to create a horizontally scrolling paged grid of grids. The app started as a single 3 x 3 grid so I did the obvious and created a UIView with sub views. This evolved into each subview being a UIButton subclass that took a number...

Karmr and startup metrics for fat pirates

As some of you may know, Karmr is a social network for actions. It works a lot like other social networks except that, in the same way as Instagram and Vine chose to focus on a specific media type, we chose to focus on a topic type – things that people did....

The future of eCommerce – mCommerce?

I was lucky enough to be invited into the Magento Mobile introductory Webinar which was very interesting and very well put together. The content will shortly be available on the Magento website. So, what is this mobile commerce, or mCommerce to the cool kids, all...