
How to build a successful start-up ecosystem (in the UK)

The UK is a massive force in the global economy and has produced an extraordinary amount of innovation. But, our little island could easily do more and learn a host of lessons to build on the business success we already have. Skills It all starts with skills. Like,...

MS Internet acquired by drpgroup

The MS Internet Brand acquired by DRP Group So, lots of people have asked me to write a little bit about what has happened recently with the MS Internet brand being acquired by drpgroup, what it means to customers, what services will be offering, why we did it and so...

The future of eCommerce – mCommerce?

I was lucky enough to be invited into the Magento Mobile introductory Webinar which was very interesting and very well put together. The content will shortly be available on the Magento website. So, what is this mobile commerce, or mCommerce to the cool kids, all...